It could be studied well about the criteria behind the iterations of BWF's new scoring systems. The criteria include the following,
More exciting points
More “close” matches
Getting to more exciting points sooner
Shorter matches
Better scheduling
Beep fan interest
Player health and longevity
BWF 3x15 Scoring system
There were several scoring systems have been practiced since its inception, and detailed information is available below this article. They are ,
1877 to 2002 - 3 x 15, Server Rally point
2002 to 2005 - 5 x 7, Server Rally point
2005 to till date - 3 x 21, Any Rally point
To enhance the marketability of the sports, and based on the analysis of real match data from the BWF Major Championships and World Tour tournaments over several years against several different scoring system options, BWF has analyzed several new scoring systems including the present to propose. a) 3x21 b) 2 x 21 & 1x11 c) 5 x 11 points d) 3x15. BWF Council believes the 3 x 15 system best balances the key criteria mentioned above.
The BWF Council suggests a plan to implement a practical trial of the 3 x 15 (setting to 21) system at specific Continental Championships, Grade 3 tournaments, national and international leagues, and national tournaments from around April to September/October 2025. During the testing phase, BWF will conduct surveys with key stakeholders at each event, along with a comprehensive survey of all Members, Athletes’ Commissions (players), technical officials, and commercial partners towards the end of the trial period.
The BWF Council will reach a final decision on whether to present this new system to the BWF Annual General Meeting in 2026.
In 2021,during 82nd BWF AGM, the scoring system to 11 x 5 (best of 5, with 11 points to win a game) was proposed and forwarded by the Indonesian Badminton Association. The 11×5 proposal garnered 66.31% votes in favor and 33.69% against, falling just shy of the required two-thirds majority (66.67%).
The present 3x21 is the better scoring system.
The Scoring system you likes more?
3x11 Service Rally Point
5x7 Service Rally Point
3x21, Any rally point ( Present One)
5x11, any Rally point
History of Badminton Scoring System:
15 Point System, 1877 to 2002
The original scoring system was the 15 Points system! The scoring system was created around 1877 in British India along with the first written badminton rules.
The rule is that you only score a point if you win the rally while you are the server
- First to 15 Wins the set
- Best of three sets ( Either straight-set win 2-0, or a rubber set win 2-1)
- However in the case of 14 - 14 first person to lead by two points, e.g. 16-14 or another example 17 - 15 wins.
- The max points is 17 ( Meaning 17 -16 is the closest game you can get)
- First to 11 Wins the set
- Best of three sets ( Either straight-set win 2-0, or a rubber set win 2-1)
- However in a case of 10 - 10 first person to lead by two points, e.g. 12-10 or another example 13 - 11 wins.
- The max points is 13 ( Meaning 13 -12 is the closest game you can get)
07 Point System, 2002 to 2005
- First to 07 Wins the set
- Best of five sets ( Either straight-set win 3-0, or a rubber set win 3-2)
- However in the case of 06 - 06 first person to lead by two points, e.g. 08-06, or another example 08 - 07 wins.
- The max points is 08 ( Meaning 08 - 07 is the closest game you can get)
- It was common for both men and women.
Present 21-point system, from Dec 2005 to till date
The winner of the rally gets one point
- First to 21 Wins the set
- Best of three sets ( Either straight-set win 2-0, or a rubber set win 2-1)
- However in a case of 20 - 20 first person to lead by two points, e.g. 22-20, or another example 28 - 26 wins.
- The max points is 30 ( Meaning 30 -29 is the closest game you can get)